
She's one year old!

One year old . . . but I don't think she knows the difference. For Luci everyday is a fun and exciting birthday full of new places, people, things - we're exploring the world of nouns, if you will.

I did fall into the "What was I doing a year ago?" reverie, but only for about 10 minutes. It was fun to think about the reasons why I was screaming and smiling then, versus the reasons why I scream and smile now.

For the actual occasion we went snowshoeing up near Spooner Summit by Lake Tahoe. Not that we needed snowshoes in a lot of places, but we had a good time nonetheless.

We also discovered that Luci is apparentally not getting enough protien. She wasn't interested in any of the food I brought for her and instead went ravenous after Mikes' beef jerky.

After a day of uphill hiking we took our weary legs to the grocery store for some dinner fixin's, cake, and candle. The cake choice was an interesting debate. I was thinking aesthetics (I have to send everyone pics of this, right?), and Mike was thinking taste. Mike won and we settled on a small cheesecake sampler. Keeping Mike from cheesecake is often a very physical endevour that involves dragging him, moping and whining, from the bakery department - Luci and I didn't have the energy nor did we want to crush the eager grin on his face.

We all went to bed smiling and full - it was a good day!

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