
More Toilet Humor

Most of you know that we can't keep Lucine out of water. Whether it's tipping over the dog water (which is now out in the garage), splashing in the bathtub, or sticking her whole hand in your drinking glass we can't keep her out of it.

Unfortunately, the most available source of water in our house (and just her height!) are the toilets. (eye roll, sigh)

She has a fascination. We've tried putting the seats down, but sometimes we forget. And in those moments when an unfocused parent or guest leaves the comode without a thought . . . she knows. I watch her stiff legged jog toward the bathroom, and even though I'm positive I put it down last time I trust her intuition and follow her anyway. Like I said, she knows. Maybe she can smell it (god, I hope not!).

This afternoon, we came back from from shopping. I bought her some new mittens and Acorn fleece socks to wear snowshoeing. We were playing around and I put the mittens on her to see what she'd do. She wandered around for awhile and seemed to be having a good time so I went to put the rest of our stuff away.

Lo and behold, I hear splashing. Noooo! I rush into the bathroom and sure enough - there were the new mittens scrubbing the toilet bowl. At least I know what chores to give her when she gets older.

Some past toilet cleaning moments caught on film:


Tracy said...

Perhaps Lucine has her eyes set on the janitorial arts as a future career!

Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

ooh, yes- the janitorial arts, those are a fascinating group to work with.
tee hee-