
Pretend you're a softball

You've been thrown around for hours, beaten by your close friend, Bat, and all anyone wants to do is stop you from going on your way. You are powerless to act and subject to unending abuse, except when flying through the air. Wouldn't you be frustrated, mad at the person trying to stop your one joy?

Well, apparently this one was.

This is what I get for having way too much fun at St. Patty's. I get drunk, promise to be on a softball team, and get my eye blackened by a bouncing grounder.

That's OK. It was worth it - the party and the softball practice. They've both been a hell of a lot of fun. (And, for those of you who knew me in my more youthful and uncoordinated days, I have but one comment - I don't suck!!)

For further softball updates, I'll be posting them from now on at my other blog site, Trails Recipes and Poems.


I Told You . . .

her love of dirt is hereditary. Here are some pictures of me when I was younger & visiting my Nana & Papa. And yes, it is from sitting in the mud.


St. Patty's, Or The Things I get Myself Into When I Have a Night Off

Mike I managed to get our wonderful friend Terre to sit with the Bean so we could go to our friend's annual St. Patty's Day Party.

Part way through the night, after several beers and lots of Bailey's, I was convinced by several of Mike's colleagues that I should join their softball team, run through the City's Parks and Rec department.

Yep, this is why I don't go out drinking much anymore. Because I wake up the next morning to Mike shaking his head at me, murmuring something like, "You have softball practice this afternoon."

Our first game is next Thursday.

Onions, paint, and Papas

Lucine has discovered a new love . . . onions! During a recent visit to her great Nana's she pulled an onion out of drawer and proceeded to eat it raw, just like an apple!

The irony is that Mike's grandfather, who immigrated from Armenia, used to do the exact same thing! Blonde and blue-eyed she may be, but the blood runs true (despite it's German dilutions). She may turn out to be as Armenian as her name after all.

While at great Nana and Papa's, Mike and I repainted the inside of their house. We had a little fun while we were at it though.

So did the Bean and her Papa.

Getting Dirty

Now that Lucine has discovered mud and dirt, there's no stopping her. I needed to tend to the garden and compost pile the other day, so I gave her a bucket of dirt and a pan of water. After we played in the tent (the only shade available before the trees leaf out) she entertained herself for almost 20 minutes before she ever looked up to find out where I went. My inner mama was jumping for joy!

When Mike got home I told him about our afternoon. "Hmm," he said, "I wonder where she gets it?" I actually had the decency to look sheepish. OK, so I loved mud pies as a kid too. So what?

Given our combined penchant for gardening, hiking, and camping I think dirt is bound to be a constant in our lives for some time. Every time I say that it makes me grin.

And if you're wondering why the Bean is dressed in a hot pink shirt, red summer pants and a green and red floral hat (an awful combo if I do say so myself), this is why.


Kiss Me Baby!

Pucker up!

Our friends Tracy & Ian's baby, Matilda, and the Bean.


Moz, Thou Art Killing Me

As usual, I failed in my attempts to balance dog hydration and the Bean's urge to play in water. Only this time there were casualties. The cute little star that used to adorn her play mat has perished after being totally submersed in the toilet.

I should add that we are now on the FIFTH hour of Mozart wafting from the bathroom like a bad smell (yes, the switch is in the "off" position). I love Mozart, but please. And the electronic version leaves a bit to be desired. It is only just now dry enough that I'm going to go take the batteries out.

Saturday Walks

Gardening Girl

Yep, we're starting her early. She's as interested in dirt and flowers as the rest of the women in the family.

On a recent trip to Sacramento Luci's "Great Nana" (great grandma) put together some buckets, spoons, and soil for Luci to play with. Spring has definitely hit the Central Valley!



My kid is not a cranky monster! She just has two new teeth! I wasn't sure what to call them so I found this illustration.

Lucine has had 7 of her incisors since last October. They get the incisors first, so whenever she's cranky and I think she's teething I check for that last incisor. Low and behold I look yesterday and she has her upper set of bicuspids already. And I mean they are IN. You can see about 1/16 inch of white.

A friend postulated that she skipped the canines becasue she's going to be a vegetarian.

We at home know better since her new favorite is the Lil'Smokies cocktails sausages. Mike has been telling her to hurry up and get her molars so she can chew better and eat a broader variety of foods. Apparentally, she's been working on it.

I Re-sign

Since my last post about Luci and her Baby Signs we've added two more. Get this. In the last 24 hours.

She now does "cow" (fist opening and closing, like you're milking a cow). This one is brand new. I showed it to her last night and she was doing it before she went to bed.

I have been doing "gentle" (two fingers stroking the back of the other hand) for months. Mostly when she hitting the dog or another baby over the head. And this morning when she grabbed Scout's ear and headed in the opposite direction, I yelled "Luci! Gentle." And she did the sign. There was a look of recognition on her face as she did the sign. Right before she slapped the dog on the top of the head. Oh well. At least she understands what I'm saying.

And she startles me with how smart she is. Just now as I was typing she showed me a book, so I read part of it. When I got to the word "hopping" she did the sign for "bunny."

Am I in trouble or what!?


Dashing through the Snow

I opened the back door and she was off. . .


Sign of the Times

I have to admit it. I did jump on the baby sign wagon. I bought the book. I read it. I started gesticulating early to get her used to the idea. The authors insisted that regardless of how early you start signing to them, they won't start signing back until after 12 months. And I'm thinking, yeah right, they said she wouldn't walk until then either. Four months of chasing her down later...

But sure enough, they were right. She started with "please." Nevermind that I had been signing "eat" and "drink" for months. One afternoon, taking inspiration from a friend's little one, I tried getting her to make the sign for "please" when she came to me grunting that she wanted up. One afternoon. That was all it took. Silly mommie. You're just doing the wrong signs.

In one month she now consistently does the signs for more, please, bunny, zebra, dog, and bird. This morning my Nana & Papa asked me for instructions so they can understand her when we come to visit. So here they are. With some added notations on how her versions differ from the book.

Book Version: Rub circles on tummy like you've just eaten something yummy. Say the word "please" as you do it.
Lucine's version: Wipe between one and four fingers across part of your chest as if you were trying to rid your finger of something particularly gooey. Grunt and then smile.

Book Version: There are several versions for this one. The one we've chosen involves pointing your index finger into the middle of your other palm.
Luci's version: Right on target! However, she does randomly do this sign in the middle of a diaper change.

Book Version: First two fingers bobbing up and down. Think "Here comes Peter Cottontail."
Luci's version: This is one of her most recent and current favorite. It consists of the thumb and first finger bobbing up and down. Looks a lot like a spastic "L." How appropriate for a crazy towhead!

Book version: Pant.
Luci's version: Gesticulate at something acroos the room, sometimes in the direction of the dog, sometimes at a picture of a wolf, and act like you're hyperventilating.

Book version: Run two fingers in a horizonal stripe across your chest.
Luci's version: Run one finger halfway across your chest. Often looks much like "please."

Book version: In a simple image, do the chicken dance.
Luci's version #1: Same as above but only on one side.
Luci's version #2: Stick your fingers in your armpits and look at mom with a quizzical expression.