
I Re-sign

Since my last post about Luci and her Baby Signs we've added two more. Get this. In the last 24 hours.

She now does "cow" (fist opening and closing, like you're milking a cow). This one is brand new. I showed it to her last night and she was doing it before she went to bed.

I have been doing "gentle" (two fingers stroking the back of the other hand) for months. Mostly when she hitting the dog or another baby over the head. And this morning when she grabbed Scout's ear and headed in the opposite direction, I yelled "Luci! Gentle." And she did the sign. There was a look of recognition on her face as she did the sign. Right before she slapped the dog on the top of the head. Oh well. At least she understands what I'm saying.

And she startles me with how smart she is. Just now as I was typing she showed me a book, so I read part of it. When I got to the word "hopping" she did the sign for "bunny."

Am I in trouble or what!?

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