
Getting Dirty

Now that Lucine has discovered mud and dirt, there's no stopping her. I needed to tend to the garden and compost pile the other day, so I gave her a bucket of dirt and a pan of water. After we played in the tent (the only shade available before the trees leaf out) she entertained herself for almost 20 minutes before she ever looked up to find out where I went. My inner mama was jumping for joy!

When Mike got home I told him about our afternoon. "Hmm," he said, "I wonder where she gets it?" I actually had the decency to look sheepish. OK, so I loved mud pies as a kid too. So what?

Given our combined penchant for gardening, hiking, and camping I think dirt is bound to be a constant in our lives for some time. Every time I say that it makes me grin.

And if you're wondering why the Bean is dressed in a hot pink shirt, red summer pants and a green and red floral hat (an awful combo if I do say so myself), this is why.

1 comment:

Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

because she looks adorable in that getup, that's why!