
What to do for the big number 2?

The timing of Bean's birthday poses somewhat of a dilemma. Christmas a month before means that she has received more toys than we can fit in her closet, and she's not bored with the toys I put out for her right after the holiday, let alone the ones I have stored in the closet for later.

But nevertheless, some people have asked me what to get the Bean for her birthday. Yet when I run through the checklist of books, toys, clothes, and other ammenities I come up with nothing. She could use a few new bath toys, but lately she showers with me more often than she takes a bath. I spent days thinking about it, and after a trip downtown with my friend Tracy I hit upon inspiration.

For those of you who don't already know what you're getting her, I have a suggestion: Sponsor us for a cool class being offered through the Nevada Museum of Art.

Here's the description:

Toddler Art Adventure: Recycling Fun!
Parent and child will make art together using recycled materials and common items you can find at home. Using these materials, the class will explore painting, drawing, printmaking, collage and sculpture. Highlights include a spaghetti mobile and printmaking with vegetables and feathers. A toddler project apron is included!
Session 1: Wednesdays, March 5 to 26, 9:30 AM to 10:15 AM Ages: 2 – 5 with parent Cost: $27 non-members, ($12 for each additional child and/or parent)

This is right up our alley! Recycled materials, making a mess with art material - it doesn't get much better than this!

So there's my contribution.

1 comment:

Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

this is such a great idea for a gift!
Did we miss her 2nd birthday? so much going on!
hope I get to see you guys soon.