
Winter has Arrived

Yep, the cold snap came early. And it snapped like only a sassy low pressure system can. "You thought you'd enjoy a nice temperate fall. An Indian summer of orange and yellow aspens, apple spiced cider, and pleasant sunny days followed by crisp evenings. Oh, no you di'n't."

Yes, it has snowed twice, yes twice, here in Reno already. And as much as I love the mountains and the snow that settles softly on them in the winter, could we please, please have a transition here!? Reno is infamous for this kind of seasonal change. We get only three seasons max:

Summer: hot, dry, brown, dusty. Reno in high summer is not something to brag about. The saving grace of summer is that Lake Tahoe is so close. You drive forty-five minutes latitudinally, and ascend about 1500 feet in elevation and BAM, cool off by at least 10 degrees. Also, the Truckee River is a 5-minute drive (or 30 minute walk) with walking paths and lots of good shade trees. And then there's camping. And hiking. And gardening. And BBQs.

Fall: Days are still warm but evenings cool down significantly letting you bundle up in the down comforter while still wearing short sleeves and Chaco's during the day. There's parties and BBQs while everyone still clings to those last days of summer. And hiking. And amazing leaves that make you want to be on a hay ride. And while Tahoe is getting snow dusted on it Reno is still beautiful, resting comfortably on the edge of it all with an ease and grace that lasts until late October.

Winter: freezing, bright. Like ice. Cold but full of light. Reno gets an amazing 345 days of sun a year. Never mind that on some days we struggle to break 40 degrees. And like ice I tend to freeze up in the winter. I love looking at the the snow covered mountains out my window. I love snowshoeing. I love the fires in our fireplace where we curl up and watch movies or listen to music in the evening. But it takes every ounce of will I possess to get outside and hike and be active. The dual edge of this is that if I don't get out I go nuts. I get depressed, stiff, lethargic, sore and apathetic.

Spring: doesn't really exist. We go from snow to 70 degrees to snow to 80 degrees and then it's summer.

So you can see why I am loathe to head directly into winter. Fall is not only my favorite season, it's the ONLY transition we have.

Odd that in a time of imminent transition in our lives (Mike finishing his Master's) the weather gods refuse to grant me an easy transition into the most challenging of seasons. I really hope this isn't a portent of things to come.


Vanessa/NessieNoodle said...

really? You don't like this time of year?
i think it is my favorite... the colors I think are what does me in...

The Giant said...

You kidding!? It's my favorite time of year!!! That's why I'm lamenting that I don't seem to be getting it this year. It feels more abrupt and I want it to go on forever>